Christian Directory![]()
Christian Social Network
Join the fastest growing Christian Social Network on the Internet. With over 500,000 members, Christians have found their social network to share the love of Jesus Christ. http://www.godsfaithbook.com
Church in Boca Raton
Welcome to Advent Lutheran Church in Boca Raton, Florida. Advent joins all Christians and churches in the conviction that Jesus is the Savior of the world and the Lord of our lives! http://www.adventboca.org
An Addiction Free Life
A true story showing how the author was miraculously freed from his 30 year cigarette & alcohol addiction overnight after yelling out in despair to a God that at that time he didn't really believe existed - God can do that for you too - just ask Him http://www.addictionfreelife.com
Christian Science Healing Restores Physical Mental Health
Explore Christian Science as spiritual method of healing based on the spiritual power of Love. http://www.christian-healing-prayer.net
Foundation Youth Ministry - Big Life Student Ministry, Online Christian Community
An online Christian community started by Foundation Youth Ministry with a Christian YouTube with free video downloads as well as free music downloads. http://www.foundationyouthministry.com/
Gospel Assembly of God
Gospel Assembly of God. An Assemblies of God church in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. http://www.ga.org.my
Men Who Win
Christian men's ministry. Gary Chester helps today's men control anger or depression, kick porn or sexual additions, build better marriages, and more. Visit the website and sign up for the newsletter, read Gary's blog, or listen to his radio program. http://www.menwhowin.com/
My Pastor - Pastor Appreciation, Anniversary, Search, and More.
Minister more effectively to your pastor and his family with resources and ideas for pastor appreciation, pastor anniversary, pastor search, gifts, jokes, burnout and more. http://www.my-pastor.com
Purchase Bulk Bibles and Bible Resources at Discount Prices - Ibsdirect
IBSDirect.com is a ministry of International Bible Society providing Bibles, New Testaments, and other inexpensive Scripture based products for outreach and discipleship. http://www.ibsdirect.com
The Church Furniture Store - High Quality Church Furniture
The Church Furniture Store represents the best in church altars, baptistries, communion tables, pulpits, kneelers, pews, benches, church chairs, prie dieus, crosses and other chapel furnishings. http://www.church-furniture-store.com