TOTAL K9 protection dogs
http://www.totalk9.co.uk/TOTAL K9 is a renowned dog training provider from the UK that is looking forward to meet your canine friend and assist you in making him or her more obedient, loyal and thus more loved by your family. Alongside specialised training for pets, at TOTAL K9 you will find services for training police, security and prison dogs and also protection dogs for your family and home. Having a personal protection dog is like having a best friend and a bodyguard at the same time. TOTAL K9 provides dogs training for your canine friend, be it small or large and can transform your pet into a protection dog simply by emphasizing his or her skills. Personal protection dogs are not just for protection; they are loving pets who have an enhanced set of skills that are already within and by training can be improved and revealed. TOTAL K9 has a team of experienced trainers who are first and foremost dog lovers and can assist everyone in having a well-behaved dog, a pet that can also take care of you and a friend for life.
- Listing ID#33212
- Listing TypeExpress
- AddedAug 09, 2017